September TBR!

Fall is finally here! Sort of. I love everything about fall and while it doesn’t necessarily feel like fall where I am, I am determined to make it come as quickly as possible. The books, the cold weather, the scarves, the coziness…. ahh, it’s so amazing. Anyway, moving on…

I recently watched Disney’s live action Cinderella and in honor of that I have devoted my reading for this month to fairytale retellings. I have two other books on the side to act as palette cleansers between the books to give me a bit of a break in between fairytales. Without further ado, here is my September TBR! 

First up, I have Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress from the Lunar Chronicles. Next, is Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell, which is another Cinderella retelling. I have a manga called Assassination Classroom Vol. 1 by Yusei Matsui and I will finally FINALLY be ready Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I’m super excited for my TBR and I have plenty of reading time this month, which means I might even be able to read more than what’s on here! Woohoo!

I will be doing a comparison/battle of the books review between Cinder and Mechanica in the near future as well as a review of all the books in my TBR, so look out for that. 

Happy Reading!

6 thoughts on “September TBR!

  1. I can’t wait for you to read the Lunar Chronicles. 🙂 I have yet to read Cress and Fairest but I already assume they’d be just as amazing!


      1. Yey!!! I’ll probably read Cress before the last book comes out. It’s so hard waiting for the sequel. 🙂


    1. Me too! I finished Cinder yesterday (I may cheated and started reading it on the last day of August) and am halfway through Scarlet and I’m really liking it. Glad you’re enjoying it also


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